Thursday, 25 December 2014

How to Rename a Workbook in Oracle Discoverer


   We cannot rename a workbook in Oracle Discoverer. There is a workaround to rename a workbook.
Save the workbook with new name and delete the existing one. This will remove the workbook from all the shared user. You can get the shared user name before deleting the workbook by using below query.
select fu1.user_name||'||'||fu1.description "Workbook Owner",
       doc_name "Workbook Name",doc_description "Description",
       fu2.user_name||'||'||fu2.description "Shared With"
  from eul_us.eul5_eul_users usrs,
       eul_us.eul5_documents docs,
       eul_us.eul5_access_privs privs,
       fnd_user fu1,
       fnd_user fu2
 where privs.gd_doc_id = docs.doc_id
   and usrs.eu_id = privs.ap_eu_id
   and '#'||fu1.user_id = ap_created_by
   and '#'||fu2.user_id = eu_username
 --and doc_name like ''Workbook name%'
You need to share the workbook to all the users after re-name the workbook.
Follow the below steps:
Step 1:
Login to Discoverer desktop



Step 2:
Open the workbook
File>>Open >>Database

Select the radio button ‘Open the workbook in current database Account’


Step 3:
Go to File>>Save As >>Database
Rename the workbook and save it.
Step 4:
Go to File >>Manage workbook>>Delete
Delete the original workbook.


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