Oracle PLSQL Interview Questions -Part1
1) What is Autonomous transaction
2) What is mutating error
3) What is cursor in plsql?
4) Difference between implicit and explicit cursor
5) What are cursor attribute.
6) What is collection in plsql
7) Difference between nested table and Varrays
8) What is bulk collect in plsql and what is the use of it.
9) What is pragma autonomous transaction
10) What is materialized view
11) What is ref. cursor
12) What is pl/sql object type and its uses
13) What is the use of INSTEAD OF INSERT trigger
14) What is the difference between IN and Exist. Which one increases the performance and how ?
15) What is Dynamic SQL
16) why oracle provided package spec and body separately
17) procedure 'A' and 'B' ..B Is called in 'A' and there is no any exception handle in 'B'.. then
how can we print exception raised by 'B' in procedure 'A'..?
18) What is TABLE TYPE in pl/sql
19) What is the maximum number of triggers can apply to a single table
20) How to encrypt a plsql source code.
21) How to determine the timezone under which a database is operating
22) What is oracle hints
23) In a plsql block I have used below statement .
UPDATE statement
INSERT statement
ROLLBACK statement
Will updated data saved ?
24) How to handle millions of records for processing.
25) What is the difference between %ROWTYPE and TYPE RECORD?
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