Saturday, 23 May 2015

Create a Responsibility in Oracle Apps

Responsibility is a set of menus,sub menus,form functions and request group.

Follow the below steps to create responsibility.

1) Go to System Administrator =>Security =>Responsibility =>Define

Responsibilities window will be appeared.

2) Enter the Responsibility Name.
3) Select the application from the LOV.
4) Enter the Responsibility Key.
5) Enter the description for the responsibility.
6) You can also mention the effective date for the responsibility.
7) You can mention from where the responsibility should be available
8) Select the data group as standard from the LOV.
A data group is a list of Oracle Applications and the ORACLE usernames assigned to each application.
9) Attach the Menu for the responsibility.
10) Attach the Request group to the responsibility.
11) You can also exclude the form function to be shown in the responsibility from the attached Menu. This need to be entered from menu Exclusion Tab.
12) Click on Save.
13) Once the Responsibility is created then that responsibility need to be added to users to access.

14) Open the user window. Query for the user to whom the responsibility need to be added.
15) Select the responsibility from the LOV .
16) Click on Save.
17) The responsibility will be shown once the user is logged into the application.

   The table fnd_responsibility has the responsibility information. You need to query with the responsibility_key. From the responsibility id you can trace other information relating to the responsibility.

The table fnd_responsibility_tl contains information about responsibility name and language information.

The View fnd_responsibility_vl has all the information about the responsibility.

Using below Query you can get all the responsibilities assigned to a user.

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